Solar Panels

Skudis , a leading national company in the manufacture of paper bags, permanently invests in innovation and development of products and the use of biodegradable raw materials from sustainable forestry operations. The company was a pioneer in the use of solvent -free inks, papers of certified origin (PEFC or FSC), monitoring of carbon emissions, factors that contributed decisively to obtaining certifications environmental ( ISO 14001/2004) and quality (ISO 9001).

Given its prominent position at European level, Skudis intends to continue its growth process, which has guided by its operating strategy, it invested in a Production for Self-Consumption (UPAC) with a power of 998.8kWp | 820 kWn with a production capacity of 1,404.12 MWh per year. For As such, 2,436 panels were installed , with an area occupation of 5,577 m2. It is estimated that this solution will reduce 258.36 tCO2 of emissions per year, for a total investment of €610,826.



Project name | Skudis | Solar panels

Universal Code | 2462

Main objective | Support for Industry Decarbonization (Modality A)

Beneficiary entity | Skudis – INDUSTRY AND TRADE OF EMBALAGENS, SA

Approval date | 14-03-2023

Total eligible cost | 610,826.00 euros

Financial support | 200,000.00 euros